At IBF, we prioritise continuous upskilling to address the dynamic demands of the financial sector. With this in mind, we have introduced IBF Skills Badge to encourage the acquisition of skills needed in the financial sector.

The IBF Skills Badges are awarded to individuals who complete IBF-accredited sustainable finance courses, and serves as an industry benchmark to recognise individuals’ skills mastery and support skills-based hiring and promotion by employers.



  • Employers able to authenticate an individual’s competencies.
  • Skills badges serve as common benchmark to uplift entire financial sector.
  • Support skills-based hiring and promotion.
  • Encourage faster acquisition of training in emerging / in-demand Sustainable Finance skills to augment job role.
  • Credential stackable towards IBF Certification.
  • Enhance credibility, visibility and value with the marks of achievements via online platforms such as LinkedIn.
Types of skills badges

IBF Skills Badges serve as an industry benchmark to recognise individual's skills mastery and support skills based hiring and promotion by employers. 

Accorded to individuals who complete IBF-STS accredited sustainable finance courses.


(Skills Framework Proficiency Level 3)



(Skills Framework Proficiency Level 4)

123Asset 22


(Skills Framework Proficiency Level 5)


More details on IBF Skills Badges will be announced in due time.

List of emerging skills eligible for IBF Skills Badge (IBF-STS courses only)
  • Carbon Markets and Decarbonisation Strategies Management
  • Climate Change Management
  • Impact Indicators, Measurement and Reporting
  • Natural Capital Management
  • Non-Financial Industry Sustainability Developments
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Sustainability Risk Management
  • Sustainability Stewardship Development
  • Sustainable Insurance and Re-Insurance Solutions and Applications
  • Sustainable Investment Management
  • Sustainable Lending Instruments Structuring
  • Taxonomy Application