Registration of Examinations

Registrations for IBF examinations must be completed online.

For Corporate Entities

All organisations who wish to register for IBF examinations on behalf of their employees must create a Corporate Login Account on the IBF Portal. Only 1 account may be created per organisation. The organisation would be identified by the Unique Entity Number (“UEN”), issued by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”).


For Individuals

Individuals who wish to register for IBF examinations must create and activate an individual account on the IBF Portal.

Creating an IBF Portal account will allow individuals to access IBF e-services such as exam registration, certification application, tracking and managing their training and CPD records as well receiving training suggestions based on their profiles.

As they will be required to share some personal data with us for the above services to be extended to them, applicants are requested to review and agree to the following terms and conditions before proceeding to create their account.
Create IBF Individual Account (New Users)

For Existing Users

Log in

Types of Examinations

IBF conducts regulatory and industry examinations for various sectors in the financial sector in Singapore.

Mode of Examinations

IBF conducts both onsite and online examinations.

The onsite examinations are held at the IBF Assessment Centre at 20 Anson Road, #05-01, Twenty Anson, Singapore 079912.

IBF offers online examinations as a Business Continuity Measure, such as when the IBF Assessment Centre is not accessible due to a BCP event, or for candidates based overseas who are unable to take examinations in person due to travel restrictions. Registration for online examinations can only be made by financial institutions (FIs). FIs should register their candidates using the Candidate Registration Form and submit it to IBF at with the subject header “Online Examination Registration”.

NOTE: Online exams session is unavailable in June 2023 as we are moving to a new system. IBF will release more information on the new examination system soon. 


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