Sharon Teo

In the Digital Age, rapid technological advancements necessitate upskilling and workforce transformation for Singapore’s workers to stay relevant, employable, and continue to contribute to the growth of Singapore’s financial industry.”

Sharon Teo
IBF Fellow (2024), General Insurance

Sharon Teo

Senior Vice President, Corporate Services, MSIG Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Sharon is a seasoned leader in the General Insurance industry with 27 years of experience across General Insurance and Banking sectors. She excels in Strategy Development, Operations and Organisational Transformation, Digital Transformation, HR Transformation, Operations Management, Process Re-engineering, and Customer Experience Design.

Digitalization in the GI industry has automated repetitive tasks, necessitating job role redesign and reskilling of employees. Through her involvement in the IBF Insurance Workgroup for the past two years, Sharon has contributed feedback on talent and competencies development programmes, including the Sustainable Finance Jobs Transformation Map, Generative AI Transformation Map, T & FIP, and CCP. Her experience supports the development of skills and competencies transformation programmes, ensuring employees in the General Insurance industry remain relevant and employable.

Sharon also served as a member of the IBF Skills Future Accelerator (FSA) Steering Committee in 2022, where she contributed feedback on the development of the SFA platform to support job, skills, and competencies matching, and gap identification.

Talent development is an area close to her heart. Through her work on the General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA) Talent Committee since 2020 and the MAS Human Resources Industry Group (HRIG) since 2021, she has contributed to talent attraction and development initiatives. These include participating in the development of GIA career talks and career fairs, and a young talent attraction initiative in the form of the Singapore Insurance Case Challenge for tertiary students to compete in solving insurance problems in 2024. She has also provided feedback on industry developments and their impact on manpower issues, including the Sustainable Finance and Generative AI Job Transformation Maps, iPOST, SFLN, and FAMS programmes. These programmes ensure the financial industry in Singapore can continue operating effectively and develop future leaders.

Sharon’s extensive contributions have significantly supported the growth and development of the General Insurance industry, ensuring it remains relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing landscape. Her dedication to talent development and industry transformation has helped to create a sustainable and dynamic workforce, capable of meeting the challenges of the future. Through her leadership and expertise, Sharon continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the General Insurance industry in Singapore.

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