Maisie Chong

Upskilling and reskilling are the cornerstone of our workforce resilience. Transformation within the financial industry can arise through collective and deliberate efforts to inspire passion for ongoing learning and exploration.”

Maisie Chong
IBF Fellow (2024), Corporate Banking

Maisie Chong

Managing Director, Head of Trade & Working Capital, ASEAN & South Asia; Head of Transaction Banking Singapore; Interim Global Head of Receivables Purchase, Standard Chartered Bank


Maisie Chong is the Global Head of Receivables Purchase and Head of Trade and Working Capital, ASEAN and South Asia at Standard Chartered. She is responsible for the Bank’s end-to-end Receivables Purchase proposition globally and leads the strategic innovation and development of trade finance products across the ASEAN and South Asia regions for corporates and financial institutions. She is a member of the Global Trade Management Team and the Transaction Banking Asia Management Team.

A seasoned transaction banker, Maisie has managed cross-functional and cross-country teams across regions in international financial institutions. Since joining Standard Chartered in 2020, Maisie has led key innovative digital and sustainable trade finance initiatives in ASEAN, including the Bank’s partnership in the Singapore Trade Data Exchange (SGTraDex) and Trade Finance Registry (TFR). She co-chairs the trade pillar under the Association of Banks in Singapore’s (ABS) Digitalisation Standing Committee (DSC). Prior to leading the global receivables business, Maisie was Head of Transaction Banking for Singapore.

Maisie graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Professional and Technical Communication from the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in Computer and Information Technology from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed the Asian Financial Leaders Programme in 2023 in Singapore. Maisie also sits on the board of Glyph Community, a children’s non-profit organisation. 

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