Bojan Blecic

To those who ask me how an architect managed to build a successful career in banking, I respond that the only constant in the last 25 years has been relentless curiosity and a daily commitment to learning something new.”

Bojan Blecic
IBF Fellow (2024), Technology & Operations

Bojan Blecic

Managing Director and Group Head, Customer Experience, OCBC


Bojan holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. After practicing architecture in Zurich and Berlin for approximately six years, he made a career pivot in 2000 and joined Credit Suisse in Switzerland as a usability analyst. Ten years later, he relocated to Singapore to join OCBC.
Bojan is recognized as a thought leader in the industry, having co-founded the first customer experience (CX) team in a Singaporean financial institution in 2010. He has introduced innovative methodologies and frameworks to align with industry needs and evolving customer expectations. His work focuses on the intersection of technology, service design, and banking.
Currently, Bojan leads the bank's groupwide customer experience transformation program. His responsibilities include crafting and implementing the customer experience vision and strategy, defining and applying new methodologies, gathering customer insights, and overseeing the overall customer experience.
Throughout his career, Bojan has actively promoted customer-centricity within the banking and technology sectors. He has served on boards and advisory committees, advocating for the importance of customer experience. Additionally, he mentors professionals interested in practical applications of experience design and design thinking.
Bojan's competencies and expertise are evident through his leadership of over 200 customer-centric projects, setting industry benchmarks for ease of use, simplicity, and customer satisfaction. Notable successes include products like Frank by OCBC and the OCBC 360 Account.
At OCBC, Bojan has also implemented internal curricula on experience design and design thinking, empowering employees to develop innovative solutions and anticipate future customer needs.
During his career, Bojan has been the recipient of numerous awards in service design and customer experience. In summary, his extensive experience, thought leadership, and competencies have made significant contributions to the financial industry. His role in driving and advocating for customer-centric initiatives has resulted in improved customer satisfaction and industry benchmarks.
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