Chng Bee Leng

With the sustainability landscape rapidly evolving with new regulations, standards, tools, and stakeholder expectations, we can be part of this transformation to spur sustainable development and make positive environmental and social impacts. Creating a sustainable world is all in our hands.”

Chng Bee Leng
IBF Fellow (2022), Risk Management

Chng Bee Leng

Head, Group Risk Policy, ESG Risk and Sustainability, OCBC Bank


​Ms Chng Bee Leng is the Head, Group Risk Policy, ESG Risk and Sustainability in OCBC Bank. Since 2018, she has been leading the Bank's efforts in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk management and sustainability, in addition to overseeing the Group Risk's enterprise risk and credit risk policy management.

A veteran banker with 27 years of banking experience, Bee Leng has helmed various leadership positions in consumer banking business and risk management within OCBC. Her extensive banking experience and institutional knowledge have been instrumental in integrating and advancing OCBC Bank's sustainability agenda and journey.

Besides setting the OCBC Group credit and ESG policy standards, her department plays the role of Centre of Excellence in providing advisory and strategic direction for ESG risk and sustainability matters.   

In 2018, Bee Leng led the development of the bank-wide sustainability strategy and framework, where the sustainability strategic pillars and material ESG factors incorporated as part of the Bank's strategy formulation, were approved by the OCBC Board. She oversees the annual OCBC Sustainability Report and ensures the Bank meets the various sustainability and climate disclosures' standards. As part of driving the sustainability agenda, she collaborates with business units on sustainability and decarbonization initiatives, as well as promotes sustainability awareness and training for Board, Management, and employees.

She also heads the Group ESG Risk unit which set the ESG risk standards through the responsible financing framework and policy, sector-specific policies, and integration of ESG risk assessment in the credit process. To strengthen the Bank's ESG risk management, OCBC became an Equator Principles' signatory since December 2020. Her team partnered with key internal stakeholders on the implementations of the MAS Environmental Risk Management Guidelines and Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and build climate capabilities to mitigate climate risks and enable net zero transition.

As a champion and thought leader of sustainability in OCBC, Bee Leng is committed to advocating the sustainability agenda and devotes much time in raising awareness and giving training. She also actively contributes to the banking industry's capacity building efforts to raise the standards of banking professionals in the areas of responsible and sustainable financing.

Bee Leng represents OCBC in various industry initiatives, including the MAS-ABS Workgroup for the development of the MAS Environmental Risk Management Guidelines. She is currently a workstream member of the Green Finance Industry Taskforce.

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