Annual Report 2023 - 2024



Chia Der Jiun

Chairman, IBF


IBF's initiatives enable the workforce to embark on a path of continuous learning to attain high standards of professional competency and build career resilience.
The Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. 

As we reflect on and celebrate the remarkable journey of IBF since its inception in 1974, it is evident that what we have accomplished has been due to the strong partnership between IBF, the industry, government agencies and unions.

In the 50 years of journeying with our partners, we have built a skilled and resilient financial sector workforce. We have helped developed local talents and leaders who supported the financial sector’s continued growth.


IBF's initiatives enable the workforce to embark on a path of continuous learning to attain high standards of professional competency and build career resilience.

Setting Skills Benchmark

One of IBF’s key achievements was the development of financial sector competency standards. Building on the foundation of the Financial Industry Competency Standards (“FICS”) in 2005, IBF implemented the Skills Framework for Financial Services in 2019 (SFw for FS) which mapped out comprehensively the Technical Skills and Competencies (TSCs) required for various job roles for the industry.
Today, many financial institutions use the SFw for FS for workforce planning, learning and development initiatives for their employees. Training providers and financial industry professionals have also referenced it for curriculum development and career development respectively.  

To keep the skills framework current, it has been updated to include new TSCs such as Philanthropy Advisory in 2021 and Sustainable Finance this year. 
Since 1974, over 400,000 participants have benefitted from skills-based training courses offered or accredited by IBF. More than 26,000 practitioners have attained the IBF Certification, demonstrating proficiency and expertise across key industry segments such as Compliance, Financial Planning, Private Banking, Retail Banking and Risk Management.
Over400,000 Participants benefitted from training courses
More than26,000 Practitioners Certified

Developing Jobs Transformation Map

Another key achievement of IBF was the first Jobs Transformation Map (JTM) for Financial Services developed together with MAS in 2019. It mapped out the impact of data analytics and automation on various financial sector skills and jobs, and facilitated pre-emptive upskilling and reskilling efforts by the industry. 
The launch of Sustainable Finance JTM on 17 April 2024.
The recently launched Sustainable Finance (SF) JTM is another example of how MAS and IBF support the industry to implement timely interventions to upskill our workforce and equip them with new emerging skills. The study identifies the implications of sustainability trends on skills and jobs within the financial sector, and determines the essential skills needed by the workforce to meet these changing job requirements and avail themselves to new opportunities. 

Based on the study, approximately 56% of job roles or over 50,000 professionals, will see their jobs being moderately or highly augmented with sustainable finance-related tasks. This spans across job functions such as Risk, Compliance, Product Solutioning, and Relationship Management. 

To support upskilling, IBF has over 100 accredited training courses in sustainable finance, and will curate more than 65 new courses to ensure the availability, relevance and utility of training courses. Eligible training participants will get funding support from IBF, MAS and WSG on structured and on-the-job training. 

To recognise individuals’ acquisition of sustainable finance skills, the new IBF Skills Badge will also be launched to serve as a common industry benchmark for skills recognition, as well as to facilitate upskilling, skills-based hiring and career mobility.


While we continue our efforts to foster skills development in both the core financial sector domain and new emerging skill areas, we remain committed to building a strong pool of local talent for the financial sector across career stages, and ensuring the career resilience of our workforce.

Creating Career Pathways for Young Talent

The Polytechnic Talent for Finance Scheme (PTFS) was launched in 2023 to support and encourage the industry to tap on more talent from our Polytechnics. The Scheme provides on-the-job learning experience and exposure to help young talents acquire industry-relevant skills to enhance their employability.

To further create new career pathways for young talent and in commemoration of our 50th anniversary, IBF will unveil the Golden Jubilee ITE Scholarship this year to provide industry exposure to ITE students who are interested to explore career opportunities in the financial sector. 13 financial institutions have committed to offer scholarship and internship opportunities to 50 ITE students. This initiative will also serve as a catalyst for further collaboration between ITE and financial institutions.
The launch of the Polytechnic Talent for Finance Scheme (PTFS) at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in April 2023.

Grooming Leaders and Specialists

To groom young Singaporeans for future specialist and management leadership roles in financial services, the Finance Associate Management Scheme (FAMS) supports financial institutions in structuring job rotations, mentorship and training for our young talent. Over 1,300 young Singaporeans from 74 financial institutions have been supported under this initiative since 2021. 

The International Postings Programme (iPOST) supports financial institutions in sending Singaporeans on overseas posting to equip them with international exposure and prepare them for regional and global leadership roles. Since 2021, more than 100 Singaporeans have been supported on such postings. 

For senior professionals, the Asian Financial Leaders Scheme (AFLS) supports financial institutions in sending promising financial leaders and professionals on eligible leadership programmes which prepare them for regional and global leadership positions.

Transforming the Workforce

The Career Conversion Programme (CCP) has provided financial sector employees and mid-career new hires with the opportunity to be redeployed into new, enhanced or redesigned roles. Since 2017, more than 5,500 financial sector employees from 61 financial institutions have benefitted from reskilling efforts.  

With the recent launch of the SF JTM, salary support will also be provided to financial institutions that plan to transit mid-career individuals into sustainable finance job roles or reskilling existing employees to take on augmented job roles with sustainable finance skills, under the Place-and-Train and Job Redesign Reskilling CCP respectively.

Since 2019, the Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP) has sought to help mid-career individuals with no prior technology experience to undergo training for transitioning into technology roles within the financial sector. 

The IBF Careers Connect offers career advisory support to jobseekers and individuals affected by employment disruptions. Through targeted career workshops and webinars in collaboration with industry experts and IBF Fellows, we have reached out to 3,000 individuals in 2023. Since it was established in 2018, more than 3,500 individuals have sought career advisory services, enabling them to transit to new roles and careers in the financial sector.
TFIP graduation ceremony in June 2023.
IBF career advisers providing career counselling to jobseekers at a job fair in May 2023.

United In Partnership

We remain committed to the partnership between IBF, financial institutions, government and unions to support a dynamic and skilled financial sector workforce. Financial institutions play a critical role in providing opportunities for upskilling and reskilling. Government and unions provide support and encouragement for individuals to take ownership of their professional development. IBF will continue to bring all parties together and facilitate common purpose and industry-wide initiatives.

In celebrating our 50th anniversary, let me also pay tribute to the foundation laid by our pioneers. Our leaders took visionary steps to shape IBF’s evolution and trajectory. Their contributions have been instrumental in laying a strong foundation for everything that we have achieved thus far, and establishing IBF’s unique role as a single integrated point of contact for all collaborative efforts relating to skills and career development in the financial sector.
For those who have served tirelessly over the past year, particularly on the IBF Council, IBF Standards Committee, IBF Industry Workgroups, IBF Examination Boards and Examination Industry Panels, we are grateful to you for your invaluable support.

As we look ahead, let us continue to strengthen our partnership to drive professional excellence and career resilience of our workforce.

"Together, we will chart the course for a future where every professional thrives and contributes to the continued success of the financial sector."


1974 to 2000
Training institute for financial sector
With the support of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS), IBF was incorporated as the first training institute for the banking industry on 21 November 1974.

We conducted courses to meet the training needs of the financial sector, which included a 2-year Diploma course in Banking and Finance, among other certification programmes.

Our training activities subsequently expanded to cover the Securities industry, adding on courses such as Diploma in Investment.
to 2017
Standards setter for financial sector
To keep pace with a rapidly changing business environment, we reviewed our strategies to support the financial sector. After exiting as a training institute in 2001, we took on a more strategic role of enhancing the financial training infrastructure in Singapore.

In 2005, IBF became the National Accreditation and Certification Agency for the financial sector and launched the Financial Industry Competency Standards (FICS) to support the continual upskilling of the workforce.

A new logo was unveiled in 2014 to build a reputed brand on driving professional excellence for financial sector practitioners. The FICS was renamed as the IBF Standards, to provide a development roadmap for financial sector practitioners.
2018 to present
Jobs Development Partner for financial sector
In 2018, IBF's mandate was expanded beyond skills development to cover jobs. IBF Careers Connect was launched to provide career advisory services.

To help financial institutions and finance professionals stay ahead, IBF worked with its tripartite partners to produce the Skills Framework for Financial Services and the Financial Sector Jobs Transformation Map.

We introduced schemes to support reskilling and upskilling as well as promoted and administered talent and leadership development programmes.

IBF was appointed as the Jobs Development Partner for the Financial Services Sector in 2020.



Close to 70,000 trainees attended IBF-accredited training courses in 2023.
About 1,700 accredited courses are on offer including in Sustainable Finance, Family Office and Digital/Data Analytics as of 2023.
Find Training Programmes
More than 3,500 individuals have attained IBF Certification in key segments such as Compliance, Retail Banking, Private Banking, Financial Planning, and Risk Management in 2023.
Find out about IBF Certification
Close to 13,000 candidate enrolments for IBF Examinations in CACS, CMFAS and FMRP in 2023.
Find out about IBF Examinations


More than 3,500 individuals sought career advisory services at IBF Careers Connect since its launch in 2018.
About 3,000 individuals attended career workshops and webinars by industry practitioners in 2023.
Find out about IBF Careers Connect
Over 1,300 individuals participated in Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP) with 48 hosting financial institutions since its launch in 2019.
Find out about TFIP
Over 1,300 young talents from 74 financial institutions have been groomed under the Finance Associate Management Scheme (FAMS) for specialist and leadership roles since 2021.
Find out about FAMS
Since 2017, more than 5,500 financial sector's employees from 61 financial institutions have benefitted from reskilling efforts including the Career Conversion Programme (CCP).
Find out about CCP


Dive into the inspiring story of Chrystal Ang who made a successful mid-career switch from a research analyst in the civil service into a sustainability manager at Prudential Singapore through Career Conversion Programme.
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Uncover the journey that Benjamin Teo took to gain leadership experience and skills, enabling him to excel at HSBC Singapore through Finance Associate Management Scheme (FAMS).
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Find out how international exposure in Switzerland has empowered Lynn Kuan to transition smoothly into her new role at UBS Singapore through International Postings Programme (iPOST).
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Discover how a passion for lifelong learning has propelled Yvonne Cheong forward at OCBC through IBF Certification.
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Be inspired by Muhamad Haikal Zahar’s career transformation from a teacher to a data analyst at DBS Bank through Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP).
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IBF Council

Audit Committee
Member Listing

IBF Council (as of May 2024)

The IBF Council provides guidance on the strategic direction of IBF to ensure that it remains relevant and adds value to the financial industry. It is made up of representatives from financial institutions, industry associations and government agencies.

Chia Der Jiun

Chairman of IBF Council

Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Piyush Gupta

Vice-Chairman of IBF Council

Chairman, The Association of Banks in Singapore;
Chief Executive Officer & Director, DBS Group

Patrick Lee

Chairman of IBF Standards Committee

Chief Executive Officer, Singapore and ASEAN, Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited

Wong Sze Keed

Chairman of IBF Audit Committee

Chief Executive Officer, AIA Singapore Pte Ltd

Foo Piao Zhou

Member of IBF Audit Committee

Group Director, Training Partners Group, SkillsFuture Singapore

Jenny Sofian

Member of IBF Audit Committee

Chairman, Investment Management Association of Singapore (IMAS); Chief Executive Officer, Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd

Leong Sing Chiong

Deputy Managing Director, Markets and Development, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Eric Li

Global Head of FX Trading & Head of Global Markets, Southeast Asia, UBS AG

Loh Boon Chye

Chief Executive Officer,
SGX Group

Julia Ng

Assistant Chief Executive, (Enterprise Development), Workforce Singapore

Tibor Pandi

Singapore Citi Country Officer and Banking Head

Ronak Shah

President, General Insurance Association (GIA) Singapore

Chief Executive Officer, Singapore, QBE Asia

Dennis Tan

President, Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA)

Managing Director, Strategic Business Group, Prudential plc; Member of Prudential plc; Group Executive Committee, Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Singapore

Patrick Tay

Assistant Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)

Co-Chairman, Financial Sector Tripartite Committee (FSTC); Chairman, Government Parliamentary Committee for Education

Wee Ee Cheong

Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, United Overseas Bank Ltd

Helen Wong

Group Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporate Limited

Wong Kee Joo

Group General Manager & Chief Executive Officer, Singapore The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

Andrew Yeo

Chief Executive,
Income Insurance Limited

The Council elects from its members a Chairman and Vice Chairman and appoints one member as Chairperson of the IBF Standards Committee and three of its members each to the Audit Committee.

The Committee Chairman and members have relevant qualifications and/or experience to provide effective oversight. Council members do not receive any remuneration for their service to the Institute. An declaration of interest submitted by members are surfaced at the next Council meeting to ensure that members continue to be aligned with the interests of the Institute.

The Council may have members who continue to serve more than 10 consecutive years in their role. Council members are nominated by various parties such as government agencies (i.e. Monetary Authority of Singapore, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower) as well as local financial associations (represented by CEOs of financial institutions).

We thank the following members who have stepped down from the IBF Council:
  • Guan Yeow Kwang
  • Khor Hock Seng
  • John Lee
To view attendance of Council Meetings held in 2023, please click here

IBF Standards Committee (as of May 2024)

The IBF Standards Committee comprises senior leaders representing key sub-sectors of the financial services industry, senior representatives from trade associations and government agencies. The Committee provides leadership and guidance to IBF on skills development and workforce transformation initiatives for the financial services industry.
Patrick Lee
Chief Executive Officer
Singapore and ASEAN
Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited
Brendan Carney
Chief Executive Officer
Citibank Singapore Limited
Sylvia Choo
Director (Unions)
National Trades Union Congress
Executive Secretary
Singapore Industrial & Services Employees’ Union (SISEU)
Robin Heng
Co-Head Private Banking,
Bank of Singapore Limited
Khoo Kah Siang
Chief Executive Officer
Manulife Singapore
Kenneth Lai
Group Managing Director
Head Global Markets
Global Markets Division
Oversea-Chinese Banking
Corporation Limited
Melvyn Low
Head of Global Transaction Banking
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
Carolyn Neo
Chief Executive Officer
The Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF)
Jimmy Ng
Group Head of Operations and Regional Technology and Operations
DBS Bank Ltd
Nimish Panchmatia
Chief Data & Transformation Officer
DBS Bank Ltd
Eleanor Seet
President & Head of Asia, ex-Japan
Nikko Asset Management Asia limited
Soh Kian Tiong
Chief Risk Officer
DBS Bank Ltd
Kelvin Tan
Managing Director
Head of Sustainable Finance & Investments, ASEAN
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Wong Sze Keed
Chief Executive Officer,
AIA Singapore Pte Ltd
Gillian Woo
Director, Creative & Professional Services Division
Workforce Singapore
Yeo Wee Siong
Director, Job-Skills Insight Division
SkillsFuture Singapore
Loretta Yuen
General Counsel and Head of Group
Legal & Regulatory Compliance
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
We thank the following members who have stepped down from the IBF Standards Committee:
  • Chelvin Loh
  • Andrew Yeo

IBF Audit Committee (as of May 2024)

The IBF Audit Committee oversees the Institute’s financial reporting process, risk management, internal control systems and processes and audit function.
Wong Sze Keed
Chief Executive Officer
AIA Singapore Pte Ltd
Foo Piao Zhou
Group Director, Training Partners Group
SkillsFuture Singapore

Jenny Sofian
Chairman, Investment Management Association of Singapore (IMAS);
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd

IBF Management

Carolyn Neo
Chief Executive Officer
Winnie Lim
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Ang Chai Soon
Assistant Chief Executive
Hee Siew Lie
Director and Group Head
(Skills Development)
Tan Yan Wei
Director and Group Head (Workforce Development)
Ng May May
Deputy Director, Career Advisory
Paul Teo
Senior Deputy Director, Communications and Engagement
Donavan Seng
Assistant Director, Compliance
Veronica Chia
Deputy Director, Examinations
Marilyn Ho
Assistant Director, HR & Corporate Services
Jason Mak
Senior Deputy Director, Information Technology
Leow Heliang
Deputy Director, Risk Management
Angela Chong
Senior Deputy Director, Standards, Accreditation and Certification
Desmond Tham
Assistant Director, Talent Schemes Administration
Tan Choon Kok
Director, Technology and Digital Transformation
Sharon Lim
Assistant Director, Training Grant & Finance
Principal Officer
Ms Carolyn Neo
Chief Executive Officer
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants
Secretary to the Council
Jaya Marlyni D/O Sivanesan
Advocates & Solicitors


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